Monday, July 31, 2017

K Club Special, Part 36 - Colleen Corby, Part 5!!

Hard to believe it, but it's time for another look at Colleen Corby and her illustrious career!  This is the 5th time we've looked at her career and you may notice that I always try to feature in early August.  The reason?  It's her birthday later this week!

Colleen started to model in the early 60s and continued well into the 70s.  Here she is from JCP in 1977!

Despite being one of the top models of her era (and arguably the best known of the K Clubbers), her pic still popped up on odd places, like here on a Sears sales circular!

Okay, confession time here.  Colleen was one of my favorites from the catalogs along with the other K Clubbers (Kathy, Karen, and Kay.)  However, I didn't know she was such a well known model until later.

In fact, she was the first catalog model whose name I learned.  I haven't found all the names out yet - like the blonde her with Colleen.

 Colleen in Wards!

And Wards again!

Colleen sandwiched between two regular Big Book catalog regulars - our own Kathy and Karen! (1)

Again with Kathy! (1)

So we've seen all catalog pics so far.  But Colleen was extremely popular in other print media of the 60s and 70s.
Very, very nice pic of Colleen.

Colleen did some modeling with her sister, Molly.

Strange pic of Colleen with some hounds! (2)

Colleen from Sears in the 60s! (2)

And Penneys from the 60s too! (2)

And the last two pics are from 1965 where Colleen did some ads for Saks!

Again for Saks!

Colleen is still probably one of the most popular , if not the most popular, and well known model of that era.  The abundance of pics and fan websites out there attest to that!


(1) Yeah I got these off the internet from somewhere, but not sure where.  I apologize for not being able to give proper credit.

(2) These pics are courtesy of Blue Senshi.  Thanks!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Classic 60s...

Somehow I think that Kathy, back in the day, could have been the subject of this song....

Monday, July 24, 2017

Random Goodness: Shirts, Skirts, and Assorted Miscellany, Part 5!

Summertime is Random Goodness time!  And, oh my, my, my, did the shirts and skirts of teh Big Book catalogs shine!!

Well, and the Assorted Miscellany too!  I guess tunics would fall into that category.  Kay, Kathy, and Karen show us the best of these fine 70s style!

What's the Big Idea??  Well these groovy skirts and shirts from Aldens were a pretty big idea if you ask me!

Very nice shirts here.  Nothing very Random, just nice!

Nice shirts, nice skits and very nice bandannas shown by Colleen and friend.

Kathy, Barbara and friend are showing off the mid length skirts.  Well, this is from Simpsons Sears so maybe they needed a little bit more coverage up there in chilly Canada.

Classic mid 70s shirt and skirt combo from JCP!

"Soft Shirting" is looking mighty fine!

Some more shirts from JCP!

Knit T shirts.  Not Random but definitely full of Goodness!

I actually don;t know why I included this pic!

Kathy, Barbara and friend showing off some more "mix 'n match" styles from Simpsons Sears!!

Well, we've seen a lot of shirts and skirts, but not much Assorted Miscellany........
Whoa, how'd this guy get here?!?  That is about as Random and Miscellaneous as you can get!  And you gotta love the dog!  He's totally focused on the fish!!

Friday, July 21, 2017

My Favorite Song...

Yeah, the mountains, my heaven, yeah man.  If you've never been there, then you haven't been alive....

Monday, July 17, 2017

That's So 70s! So You Think You Can Sew - Part 3

Yes children, there was a time, long long ago, where people could actually sew their own clothes. Primitive, yes I know....

Certainly one of the odd little sections of the Big Book catalogs was the Sewing section (usually found sandwiched between the ladies clothes and the kid's sections.)  It was a microcosm of all the 70s groovy fashions in one place, like here with Kathy in mod shorts and the Kay twins in Western prints (1)

Shelley Hack in the Sewing section??  Very strange.

Like I said, you could find examples of every thing else in the Sewing section.  Like here with teh smothering robes shown by Kay and Dottie.

 Even the minis were represented!

Kathy and Shelley show off two completely Sew Your Own styles.

Even Colleen could be found in this section.

Jayne Modean too!!

We need a close up on that one.......
Sundresses were always a favorite of the sew your own crowd.

Check out the prints on these fabrics.  Everything from mice to rabbits to flowers.

You could even sew your own faux fur coats!  Check out those wild animal prints.  Yeah Baby!

I close up of Kathy.  I've never seen anyone so happy wit a Sew Your Own coat!


(1) In the lower left corner we have Cay and Kay.  It's like a Cay Kay overload!  Okay (or is that Ocay)!!

(2) These pics are courtesy of Blue Senshi.  Thanks!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Pure Escapism.....

And don't tell me you didn't jam to this back in school.......

Monday, July 10, 2017

Fashion as Couples Therapy - Part 13, The Jeans Teams!!

As we have seen in previous posts dear reader is that the 70s were obsessed with couples dressed up in matching His 'n Her attire. Everything from PJs to ski wear to exercise gear had, HAD to been matching.  I mean, after all, how else could a couple proclaim its undying love for each other?!?

Well, that staple fashion statement of Americana was no exception.  I bring for your viewing pleasure: The Jeans Teams!!

And we start off with a DEFINITE fashion faux pas here.  The old "denim on denim" look, a definite no, no.  Except in the 70s when the look was popular for a while (at least I remember it in school.)

Hmmm, both guys seem to be quite forward here, but both ladies seem to not be that interested! Kathy has that closed off body language for sure, and the gal on the right is focused on the camera, not on the poor sap she's with!!  I guess the His 'n Her look isn't creating any chemistry here!

Well Colleen certainly seems content with this guy....wait!!  Those are coronary jeans!!  Does that count???

More corduroy!!  And now the hats too!  What is happening to this post!!  This is supposed to be about jeans!!

Maybe Kathy can pull us out of this corduroy nightmare and get this post back on track!!

ARRRGGGHH!  Triple the couples, triple the corduroy!!  And now with "Filmy-Gauze-Like" Sport shirts.   Sounds.....well....creepy!

 Sigh....The corduroy invasion of The Jeans Scenes in couples fashions continues....

Oh dear, now we have matching GREEN corduroy bell bottom jeans.  All I can say is "That's Soooo 70s!"

At this point I have given up all hope of recovering this post.  I surrender to the corduroy!!

Well, well, just when I had given up all hope, a return to sanity - regular jeans...well almost.  Kind of 70s style version of jeans with matching shirts, and you gotta love the wide belts!

White jeans?!?  These cool cats must have been part if the "in" crowd in school for sure!

Still, these jeans are missing something, that Je ne sais pas that makes jeans that All American fashion statement.  Maybe Kathy can help us out here.....

Mama, don't let you're babies grow up to be cowboys....Now that's the American Jean Spirit - Couple's Style!!  Westward Ho!!  These couples are ready to do some boot scootin' tonight!  Well, except for the guy at the lower left.  He seems to have lost his cowgirl...

Since I made a body language comment on the first pic, I'll do the same here.  You gotta love the guy with Kathy: (1) he's facing the camera while she is turned towards him, (2) he's got that charm boy smirk, and (3) most importantly, no mister "hover hand" here!!  You know he's thinking "I'm back in the saddle again..."

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Best Song of the 60s??

The hair! The clothes! The "Wa Wa" voice at the end! The vaguely drug oriented lyrics that have no real meaning!  Yep, this is one strong contender for that coveted title!!

Note: I've been under the weather lately.  That's why this post is a bit late.  But don't worry, the groovy 60s and 70s videos will be a regular Thursday or Friday feature!

Monday, July 3, 2017

When Life Was Groovy, Part 4 - The Summer of '76!!

Happy 4th Of July everyone everyone!!

And what better way to celebrate the 4th than with that all American bandanna!!

Karen and Kathy show us the cute way to wear the bandannas!

Speaking of standouts, Karen, Wendy, and Kay are Summer Standouts for sure!!  I'm getting into the holiday spirit already!

Shelley in Wards for summer!!
"Get in the Cool" with Laura and friends.

A Way of Life - that was the Summer of '76 alright!

Kathy and friend shows us the elegant way to celebrate the 4th!

Very, very nice!!

Kay and Kathy were always a Midsummer Night's Dream for sure!???

It's fireworks time!! (I'm talking about the actual fireworks, not the fireworks caused by Christi Brinkley!)