Sunday, April 29, 2018

K Club Special, Part 42: Jayne Modean in Aldens!

Jayne is always a favorite, so here she is from the 1977 FW Aldens catalog!!!

These two seem WAY to happy about something!

 Here we have Jayne with Barbara Elliot as a bonus!

 So what, exactly, is Jayne so surprised about?!?

So, once again, What's so funny??  I guess Jayne was telling the other gal a joke or something.

Finally some nice dresses to end this post.  Jayne is looking good!

Speaking of looking good, let's not end this post just yet.  Nope, how about a bonus pic from the same catalog???
Yes, 1977 was a VERY good year for Aldens!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Random Goodness: Say Yes to the Dress!

Say yes to the Dress, 70s style!!

 Kathy  is the bride and Karen is the MOH.
And now the roles are reversed!  Either way, they both look lovely!!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Random Weirdness: Spiegel Fashions for Two!!

From the pages of Spiegel catalog some super groovy His 'n Her fashion coordinates form the 70s!!

Matching leisure suits for the two of you. All I  can say is "That's Sooo 70s."

And in case you thought that was all, here's more of the leisure suit madness: now in His and Her Herringbone stripes!!

Ahh how sweet, what a lovely couple.....

Hey wait a minute, now this guys with another girl!  That's the power of the His 'n Her coordinates I suppose!!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Random Goodness: April Showers.....

....Bring May flowers and look stylish in early 70s rainwear from Penney's.......

And it doesn't get any more groovy than this with Kathy (Jackson), Kathy (Loghry) and friend.  The go-go boots, gloves, and scarf are a nice touch too!!

Pic is courtesy of Blue Senshi. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Aldens Pantsets!!

With a leisure suit bonus!!
Kathy and Laura with the wind in their hair and the pantsets looking very coordinated!!

So the eternal question from the 70s was "Does the guy with the leisure suit get the girl???""
Based on these gals reaction, probably not.  Still he's looking pretty fly!!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

It's a Plaid, Plaid World!!

Tartan plaid world that is....
The 70s were the hey day of plaids (among other things like bell bottoms.)  But they never looked as good as here!!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Hats and Halters!!

Go hand in hand....

Very nice combl if you ask me!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Kathy, Karen, and JCPenny's Dresses!!

What a perfect combination to start the week....
 Karen in the short version with Kathy in teh long.  Either way looks great!!

 Kathy in a wig?!?! Yeah they did that a lot to these catalog models back in 70s, not sure why??

Kathy and Karen both in the mini skirt length dresses. And, wait, what's this??? How did those pant sneak into a post about dresses??? Oh well.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

JCPenney Spring Sale with the Pams!

First with Pam Erickson!!

And then with Pam Anderson...

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

That's So 70s: Aldens Jeans Gals!

The Magical Name in Jeans....

Kathy?!?! No, I think they mean Wrangler, but the title still fits!! (Be sure to check out the awesome clogs also.  That's Soooo 70s!!)

Monday, April 2, 2018

S&H Uniforms!!

And what snazzy uniforms they were!!

The S&H scene seems to very favorable to tuxs and mini skirts!

 The High Sierra collection?!?  They seemed rather under dressed for that!

Oh I guess the scarves will provide protection from the cold!!

Back on flat land country, these snappy dresses are ready for the country, sort of. And what kind of farming are we talking about???

Pecans apparently.