Monday, July 22, 2019

Random Goodness: Bodysuits!!

And it's been WAY too long since we featured bodysuits, time to correct THAT!!

That should erase the image of those leisure suits from the previous posts.  Lesson here is that bodysuits beat leisure suits every time!!


  1. Your Blog is truly amazing!
    I found it while researching 70's fashion for a project and couldn't stop reading! Finding actual fashion from any time is difficult at best and this really helped me! You are doing a wonderful service and I wanted to stop and say thank you for both the pictures and the fun comments around them! (I was laughing for some time afterwords!)

    I'm also blown away you have been keeping it up since 2012! Documenting a time is sometimes a thankless task but so important. Much applause and keep up the good work! It's needed and very appreciated!
