Actually I've had a reader express his interest in Jane. And we here at the Kathy Loghry Blogspot are always keen to our readers requests, so here we go....
Let's start off with some pics of Jane in the Big Book catalogs like here (Jane is on the left.) Jane started to make the catalog rounds in the mid-70s.
Nice berets!
Jane with Jayne (Modean) for a double Ja(y)ne attack!
Okay, now we'll take a look at some of Jane's other appearances such as here in Seventeen Magazine
And in print ads like here...
and here.....
A classic ad by Jane.
Now back to the catalogs...
Jane here with Kathy and Karen. That's a whole lot of cuteness for one pic!
Jane seemed to be the go-to model for ponchos - no idea why.
Once more with Kathy and Karen. I'm not sure what's off to their right that's got their attention, but that's a nice background for sure (1).
More cuteness - this time from Jane and Barbara.
Well, parders, it's just about time to bring this post to a close. Perhaps just one more pic??
Yep, for all you cowpokes out there, it's time to round up all those doggies and bring 'em into the ole corral.
(1) This pic (and the previous one with Kathy and Karen) were taken at a resort in Arizona. This was the only catalog that I've seen where the location of the photo shoot was listed.