Monday, July 24, 2017

Random Goodness: Shirts, Skirts, and Assorted Miscellany, Part 5!

Summertime is Random Goodness time!  And, oh my, my, my, did the shirts and skirts of teh Big Book catalogs shine!!

Well, and the Assorted Miscellany too!  I guess tunics would fall into that category.  Kay, Kathy, and Karen show us the best of these fine 70s style!

What's the Big Idea??  Well these groovy skirts and shirts from Aldens were a pretty big idea if you ask me!

Very nice shirts here.  Nothing very Random, just nice!

Nice shirts, nice skits and very nice bandannas shown by Colleen and friend.

Kathy, Barbara and friend are showing off the mid length skirts.  Well, this is from Simpsons Sears so maybe they needed a little bit more coverage up there in chilly Canada.

Classic mid 70s shirt and skirt combo from JCP!

"Soft Shirting" is looking mighty fine!

Some more shirts from JCP!

Knit T shirts.  Not Random but definitely full of Goodness!

I actually don;t know why I included this pic!

Kathy, Barbara and friend showing off some more "mix 'n match" styles from Simpsons Sears!!

Well, we've seen a lot of shirts and skirts, but not much Assorted Miscellany........
Whoa, how'd this guy get here?!?  That is about as Random and Miscellaneous as you can get!  And you gotta love the dog!  He's totally focused on the fish!!

1 comment:

  1. Michaela! My favorite model from that era (77-84) on the cover of the JC Penney catalog
