Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Fashion as Couples Therapy: The Call of the Wild!!

Straight from Aldens and just in time for winter season closeout, classic His 'n Hers winter fashions from Aldens.....

Fake fur coats? Check!, denim leisure jacket?, Check! plaid-like bell bottoms? Check!, Turtleneck sweater? Check!,  Two hot babes? Check, check, check, and CHECK!!  This guy has the 70s covered in Aldens cool style!! (1)

Now, wait just one cotton-pickin minute!!  This guy might have him beat!!  I mean with a velvet suit and bow tie, I say that he has teh previoous dude, checkmated!! (2)

Hey, what is that blurb about plaids?!?!?! I don't, oh wait a minute!!!

Oh.My.Goodness!!!  The 70s plaid craziness is back with a vengeance!!!!  This guy may be pouring on the 70s style just a wee bit much (but those patent leather white shoes tho!!!)

So what to say about this one???  The double-breasted jacket with matching cuffed pants??? Or the oh, so cool hat????  Hard to say.

But what I can say about all of these cool cats is "That's Sooo 70s!!!"


(1) Maybe i should have saved this pic for one the "What Sort of Man...." posts, oh well.

(2)Yep, you read it right.  The lady is wearing a full length, mink coat.......fro Aldens no less.

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