Well nothing to yawn about here! Kathy looks great in these snappy gauchos. Hmm, this pic looks cropped. Well that's true - had to save the rest of it for a post on a different 70s fashion subject!
1977 was the heyday of the gaucho. So much so that they popped up everywhere like here on the cover of this Jewel Catalog (and in corduroy no less!). (1)
And just because gauchos are normally associated with a more Western theme, that didn't mean that the Big Book catalogs couldn't put that special 70s groove-tatsic touch on them. Yep, plaid green gauchos say "Easy Living" to me!
Oh brother, now we have a collision of 70s styles with a gaucho jumpsuit! I didn't know whether to use this pic here or with the next post on jumpsuits! Oh the troubles of a 70s catalog blogger!!
In almost everyone of these pics you'll notice that the gauchos come as part of a set of coordinates. And no two models were better at showing off those snazzy 70s catalog coordinates than Kathy and Karen!
Originally gauchos were cowboys that worked the grasslands in Argentina. (2) That didn't mean that one couldn't accessorize them for either Country Wear or........
Every Wear!!
Even Wards got into the gaucho craze!! The gaucho craze of 1977 certainly didn't catch on like hot pants or the mini skirt, still it peaked right when I was in school, so I had to pretend to like them.
Okay, okay, in this closeup of Kathy from the previous pic, we're not sure is she is wearing gauchos, but who cares!
(1) Astute readers will notice instead of Visa we had BankAmericard cards, and instead of Master Card we had Master Charge cards!
(2) The term "gaucho" actually refers to the person. The pants that we call gauchos are actually called bombachas.
Maybe those guys were pretty cool after all?!?