Friday, December 8, 2017

Snow!! OMG!!

Sorry to get a little crazy but..... we get snow here in South Texas about once a lifetime, soooo Let It Snow!!

Yeah, you don't believe me, well........

 Yeah, this is today baby!!  First the hurricane, then this!!
Palm trees never looked so, well, completely out of place!!

I'm sure the plaids had something to do with this.....
Yep, that explains everything.  Gotta be the result of the plaids!!


  1. Today it snowed in Alabama and Atlanta, where they got a Winter Storm Warning. On Wednesday Nebraska got only a dusting of snow, followed on Thursday morning with 5 degree temps. You know what causes plaid? Ludicrous speed!

    1. Yeah it's weird. The snow didn't last long after it warmed up in the afternoon. Still it was quite something while it lasted!
