Sunday, March 10, 2019

When Life Was Groovy: Jean Dreams!!

Whether in the 70s or not, jeans are always a go-to fashion statement any season, any where!!

Bell bottom jeans and warm sweaters must mean wintertime in the 70s for sure!!

Okay, now we must be in summertime and jeans are still king.  And speaking of always being in style, that goes for halter tops too!!

Like I said!!

Even out for a day in the sun rollerskating (and those are real roller skates, not roller blades) jeans look great!!

One last pick for the jeans!!  Kay and Kathy look great!!


  1. That wasn't a halter top, that was a midriff top. I should know, I wore them day after day to junior high back in early '70s. Yep, those were the days when a dress code wasn't enforced, if there was one, that is.

    1. Thanks for the clarification, whatever it's called, it looks great on Kathy for sure!
